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Social Organization, Social Relationships, and Social Psychology

Scientists in the SPE program conduct a wide range of studies examining the interrelationships among social organization (in families, communities, and other social groups), social relationships (such as intimate romantic, parent-child, sibling, neighbor relationships), and key dimensions of social psychology (including attitudes and beliefs, emotions, and psychiatric disorders).

Key Projects

Special Warfare Assessments for TSOC Support (SWATS)
TAT290-CTTSO-14-01.   Barbaricum, Department of Defense-Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office.   2014-2015.   $110,000.
Key Personnel: William G. Axinn, PI, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Co-I.

Social Change, Armed Conflict, and Mental Health Disorders and Service Use
R56 HD08528.   University of Michigan, GHRT Initiative.   2013-2016.   $40,000.
Key Personnel: William G. Axinn, PI, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Co-I, Stephanie A. Chardoul, Co-I.

Marital Processes, Husband-Wife Relationships, and Fertility Behaviors
R03 HD055976.   NIH/NICHD.   2009-2011.   $154,500.
Key Personnel: Dirgha J. Ghimire, PI, William G. Axinn, Co-I.

Intergenerational Influences on Family Formation in a Changing Social Context
R01 HD032912.   NIH/NICHD.   2007-2013.   $2,501,948.
Key Personnel: William G. Axinn, PI, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Co-I.

Key Recent Publications

  1. Axinn, William G., Kate M. Scott, and Stephanie A. Chardoul. 2015. “Demography of Mental Health.” Pp. 18-25 in Encyclopedia of Mental Health. 2nd ed., Vol. 2, edited by H. S. Friedman. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.
  2. Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, Nathalie E. Williams, and Kate M. Scott. 2015. “Associations between the Social Organization of Communities and Psychiatric Disorders in Rural Asia.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 50(10):1537-1545. DOIPMC4594883.
  3. Allendorf, Keera, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2013. “Determinants of Marital Quality in an Arranged Marriage Society.” Social Science Research 42(1):59-70. DOIPMC3711098.
  4. Ghimire, Dirgha J., Stephanie A. Chardoul, Ronald Kessler, William G. Axinn, and Bishnu Adhikari. 2013. “Modifying and Validating the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) for Use in Nepal.” International Journal for Methods in Psychiatric Research 22(1):71-81. DOIPMC3610833.
  5. Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, Nathalie E. Williams, and Kate M. Scott. 2013. “Gender, Traumatic Events and Mental Health Disorders in a Rural Asian Setting.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 54(4):444-461. DOIPMC3891584.
  6. Ghimire, Dirgha J., and William G. Axinn. 2013. “Marital Processes, Arranged Marriage, and Contraception to Limit Fertility.” Demography 50:1663-1686. DOIPMC3786027.
  7. Jennings, Elyse A., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2012. “The Effect of Parents’ Attitudes on Sons’ Marriage Timing.” American Sociological Review 77(6):923-945. DOIPMC3590910.
  8. Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Arjan Gjonca, Attila Melegh, Colter Mitchell, Mansoor Moaddel, Yu Xie, Li-Shou Yang, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Kathryn M. Yount. 2012. “Knowledge and Beliefs about National Development and Development Hierarchies: The Viewpoints of Ordinary People in Thirteen Countries.” Social Science Research 41:1053-1068. DOIPMC3462366.
  9. Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, Kathryn M. Yount, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Yu Xie. 2012. “International Fertility Change: New Data and Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework.” Demography 49(2):677-698. DOIPMC3328099.
  10. Axinn, William G., and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2011. “Social Organization, Population, and Land Use.” American Journal of Sociology 117(1):209-258. DOIPMC3162250.
  11. Axinn, William G., Linda Young-DeMarco, and Messo Caponi Roe. 2011. “Gender Double Standards in Parenting Attitudes.” Social Science Research 40(2):417-432. DOIPMC3035381.
  12. Williams, Nathalie E., Arland Thornton, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Linda Young-DeMarco. 2011. “Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans.” Pp. 155-185 in Migrant Labour in the Persian Gulf, edited by M. Kamrava and Z. Babar. New York: Columbia University Press.
  13. Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., and William G. Axinn. 2010. “Parental Family Experiences, the Timing of First Sex, and Contraception.” Social Science Research 39(6):875-893. DOIPMC2978908.
  14. Williams, Nathalie E. 2009. “Education, Gender, and Migration in the Context of Social Change.” Social Science Research 38(4):883-896. DOIPMC3418604.
  15. Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Jennifer S. Barber. 2008. “The Influence of Ideational Dimensions of Social Change on Family Formation in Nepal.” Pp. 251-280 in International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives, edited by R. Jayakody, A. Thornton, and W.G. Axinn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  16. Ghimire, Dirgha J., William G. Axinn, Scott T. Yabiku, and Arland Thornton. 2006. “Social Change, Premarital Nonfamily Experience, and Spouse Choice in an Arranged Marriage Society.” American Journal of Sociology 111(4):1181-1218. DOI.
  17. Barber, Jennifer S., and William G. Axinn. 2004. “New Ideas and Fertility Limitation: The Role of Mass Media.” Journal of Marriage and Family 66:1180-1200. DOI.
  18. Hoelter, Lynette F., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2004. “Social Change, Premarital Non-Family Experiences, and Marital Dynamics.” Journal of Marriage and Family 66:1131-1151. DOI.
  19. Axinn, William G., and Jennifer S. Barber. 2003. “Linking People and Land Use: A Sociological Perspective.” Pp. 285-313 in People and the Environment, edited by J. Fox, R.R. Rindfuss, S. Walsh, and V. Mishra. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  20. Barber, Jennifer S., Ann E. Biddlecom, and William G. Axinn. 2003. “Neighborhood Social Change and Perceptions of Environmental Degradation.” Population and Environment 25(2):77-108. DOI.
  21. Beutel, Ann M., and William G. Axinn. 2002. “Gender, Social Change, and Educational Attainment.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 51(1):109-134. DOI.
  22. Axinn, William G., and Scott T. Yabiku. 2001. “Social Change, the Social Organization of Families, and Fertility Limitation.” American Journal of Sociology 106(5):1219-1261. DOI.
  23. Axinn, William G., and Jennifer S. Barber. 2001. “Mass Education and Fertility Transition.” American Sociological Review 66(4):481-505.
  24. Pienta, Amy Mehraban, Jennifer S. Barber, and William G. Axinn. 2001. “Social Change and Adult Children’s Attitudes toward Support of Elderly Parents: Evidence from Nepal.” Hallym International Journal of Aging 3(2):211-235.
  25. Shivakoti, Ganesh P., William G. Axinn, Prem B. Bhandari, and Netra Chhetri. 1999. “The Impact of Community Context on Land Use in an Agricultural Society.” Population and Environment 20(3):191-213. DOI.
  26. Axinn, William G., and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. 1997. “Demographic Issues and the Use of Natural Resources.” Pp. 83-85 in People, Participation, and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Dynamics of Natural Resource Systems, edited by Shivakoti et al. Bloomington, Indiana and Rampur, Chitwan: Winrock International.